Why a same day delivery option is so important

We live in a world of convenience and instant gratification, where we regard speed and efficiency of deliveries as the norm. Anything less than express is now viewed as a poor customer experience.

Customer Expectation

56% of online shoppers believe that same day delivery is important, an increase from just 33% in 2020. Online shopping has increased greatly since the pandemic. Shoppers’ expectations have changed and they now look for a variety of delivery options when ordering goods.

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Amazon Prime and its famously fast delivery capabilities have transformed the public’s view on convenience and delivery. Many are transferring their experience as consumers across to the business world and have come to expect the same speed, efficiency and guaranteed delivery when ordering trade goods.

Research suggests that a same day delivery option is now highly regarded as one of the most important services a business can offer, with custom being lost and taken elsewhere should this not be a fulfilment. Merchants have quickly caught on that same day delivery is expected, which has meant an unprecedented increase in the number of businesses looking to acquire courier and express delivery services to add to their arsenal.

An express delivery option draws in new customers, and offering a reliable service ensures that they stay loyal. Having these capabilities is an essential part of running a business in today’s consumer market.

Courier Services

Local courier services now specialise in committing to collect goods within their area within a 60-minute timescale. Goods are tracked via GPS, meaning that consumers can see the status of their shipments in real time. A speedy, efficient, and uncomplicated service is high on the agenda of consumers who have come to expect immediate fulfilment of orders as the norm. If you are seeking a same day courier Leicester, contact a provider such as All About Freight for more information.

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A new generation of younger shoppers expects an express delivery option as standard. Any business failing to meet these expectations could see consumers source alternative providers who can meet their needs.

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