Reduce your Carbon Footprint and Save the World

We are all responsible for ensuring that the planet is healthy and the climate crisis means that we all need to change our habits to ensure the survival of future generations and the plants and animals that we share the world with.

Here are three changes that you can make to reduce your carbon footprint…

Reuse and Recycle – Reducing what is sent to landfill and recycling where we can, is an important part of protecting the environment. From composting to reuse your food waste (and help feed your plants!) to buying second hand where possible, you can also save money as well as the environment when you do this.

If you have something that you no longer use, you can sell it or donate it to charity to save it going to landfill.

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Natural Energy – Change how you power your house and swap fossil fuels for environmentally friendly power. Solar panels can be installed by someone like this solar panel installation Burnham based company to harness the energy of the sun and power your home. Air source heat pumps and biomass boilers are also environmentally friendly ways of heating your home.

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Change your Car – Transport is something that we all need, but there are more environmentally friendly ways of getting around than a typical car. An electric car is a good way to reduce your fossil fuels consumption, however, why not consider cycling too? As well as a traditional bike you can also get E-bikes – great if you have an uphill journey to contend with!

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