Winter Weather to Look out For

As the winter approaches we all need to batten down the hatches as the bad weather arrives! After a glorious summer, now is the time to make sure that our home is ready for the worst that nature can throw at it.

Here are some of the things that you might want to take measures to protect against this winter…

High Winds – We are no stranger in the UK to strong winds over the winter. Of course, it is not usual that they are on the level of a hurricane, but they can still do a fair bit of damage. We have had many storms in the UK over the years that have caused damage to property as well as loss of life. Of course, the most memorable for many was the great storm of 1987 which caused a lot of damage to the south of the UK. The roof is the most at risk part of your home when it comes to the wind, so before winter arrives get a professional like this roofers Bristol based company to come and check that your roof is ready to weather the storm.

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Snow – Something that many of us look forward to around the festive season and children everywhere long for as it gives them the potential for a day off school to play out in it! However, it can cause problems for the home, from freezing pipes to slippery steps, so make sure that you have some preparations for when temperatures drop and snow falls. Having a sturdy pair of shoes and walking aids are also sensible ready for low temperatures and slippery surfaces.

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Rain and Flooding – Unfortunately this is something that we are seeing all too often, and it can cause a lot of damage to homes all over the country. More and more homes are being built in areas of the UK which are more prone to flooding unfortunately, which is increasing the risk. If you live in an area where flooding is likely, make sure that you have flood barriers and sandbags ready to use if the rain keeps coming down.

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