How do solar panels work

If you have ever looked at having solar panels installed, you might have wondered how they actually work. The panels that are put in place by a Solar Panel Installation Burnham company, such as, work by absorbing sunlight and converting it into electricity.

Each solar panel consists of many tiny solar cells made primarily from silicon, which is a semiconductor. When sunlight hits a solar panel, it starts off the process of converting sunlight into energy that we can store and use.

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First, the silicon cells absorb solar radiation, which energises the electrons and creates an electrical current. This is direct current (DC) electricity, which an inverter converts to alternating current (AC) electricity. This is needed to allow us to use the electricity in our homes and businesses.

Once converted to AC, the electricity flows from the inverter to the home’s electrical panel and is distributed to power lights, appliances, and any other devices that are needed. In many solar panel setups, excess electricity generated by the panels is sent to the electrical grid, often giving the homeowner credit through a system called net metering.

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In some cases, the excess energy can be stored in a battery that is located in the home or building. This then allows for any excess energy to be used at a later time when less energy is being produced by the solar cells. Even in winter, the solar panels will generate energy.

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