How to seal a shipping container

When sending items via shipping container, you want to be sure that your items are securely stowed. All shipping containers must legally have at least one seal; however, with a wide range of seals available, how do you choose the best seal for your container?

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Types of seal

Finding the correct security seal for your shipping container can seem like a daunting task. Seals come in a range of styles, from plastic to wire and metal. The two most common types of security seals for shipping containers are bullet/bold seals and cable seals. Many carriers prefer to use high-security bolt container seals, as these meet the criteria of ISO PAS 17712. You can click here for more information on security seals.

Security seals not only help to keep your goods securely in the container but also to keep illegal items and stowaways out. Seals are not tamperproof, so it is important to make sure you have a record of your seal number on the bill of landing. In this way, you will quickly see whether your seal has been tampered with.

Where do you put the seal?

Regardless of what kind of seal you decide to use, it is important to make sure that you put it in the correct place. Shipping containers have two lock rods on each door. A seal should be placed on the right-hand door of the container, as this is the one that will be opened first. You can put an additional security seal on the left-hand door if you wish, but this is not always necessary.

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A shipping container will have four locking rods. You can place your security seal on any of these rods. Some shipping containers also have an ATD and a Secura Cam, which are also appropriate places for you to put your seal. Putting a seal on any of these six places counts as correct placement.

A bolt seal will arrive in two joined pieces, with both pieces bearing the same unique seal number. After you have finished packing your container, you should break apart the two parts of the bolt seal. Insert the pin part of the seal through the hole in the container door, then connect the base to the pin to secure the seal.

When your container arrives safely, you can remove the seal with a pair of bolt cutters.

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