Three Winter Risks to Elderly People

For elderly people, winter is a time that can be more difficult than it is for younger folks. There are more hazards in the winter that can cause problems too, so here are three of the main things to watch out for in the winter if you are elderly or care for an elderly person…

More Illness – Many more germs go around in the winter, some of which are serious and life threatening for elderly people. Ensuring that you have a good balanced diet with all the vitamins that you need is an important part of being healthy, as is having any vaccinations such as the winter flu jab to help the body to fend off illness.

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Dangerous Pavements and Roads – The ice and rain in the winter can mean that walking becomes more dangerous for many older people. Finding ways to get about safely is important and WAV vehicles and walking aids from specialist stores like Clarke Mobility can be just what is needed in order to get around in a safer way when the weather is bad.

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The Cold – The colder weather isn’t pleasant for anyone, but it can be very dangerous to older people. The risk of hypothermia and other cold related illnesses is higher at this time, and it is important to ensure that the body is kept warm. As well as having adequate heating, using heavy blankets and hot drinks can also help to stay warm and well.

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