A Brief History of Hollywood

Also known as Tinseltown, Hollywood is a district in the city of Los Angeles. This is the globally renowned location where movie magic takes place. Actors dream of making it big in Hollywood, but where did it all begin? Here is a brief history of Hollywood.

It all began in the early 1900s, when budding filmmakers, having access to film making technology for the first time, found this spot in California perfect for mild weather, varied terrain and access to a large labour market.

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The first major picture to be released started filming in Chicago and finished production in Hollywood. It was the 1908 The Count of Monte Cristo. It was in 1911 that saw a site on Sunset Boulevard be transformed into the first movie studio. Not long after, around 20 companies had set up in and around this site. If you want your own piece of Hollywood glamour, consider a Luxury Home Cinema Bath from a site like digitalinteriors.co.uk/services/home-cinema-system/bath/

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In 1913, a company was formed that would later become the world-famous Paramount Pictures. Soon, many more companies were making their way to the West Coast and by 1915, this area of Los Angeles began to become known as the centre of the American movie industry.

After the Second World War, filmmaking changed to spending more time shooting on location. As a result, lots and studios began to empty. By the 1960s, however, these would be filled with television networks as the rise of TV show programming increased.

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