The benefits of pager systems

Advanced paging systems enable users to quickly and easily communicate with staff or guests. The benefits of paging are far greater than the use of mobile phones.

  1. Reliability
    Pagers do not use the same transmitters as mobile networks. Instead, they use stronger transmitters which can send signals further. It is important to maintain reliable communication in the event of a network failure, for example during natural disasters. Pagers are used by many in the health industry. This includes emergency services like nurses and A&E departments.

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2. Secure messages
Pagers are more secure than mobile messaging and can be used by hospitals, security firms, doctors’ offices, etc. to communicate with their staff. For a Pager System, consider

3. Battery power that lasts a long time
Pagers are powered by replaceable batteries and do not require electricity to charge. This is unlike mobile phones, which need to be charged at least once a day. In an emergency if the power goes out and your mobile phone dies, there is nothing you can do. A pager only needs a new battery to be as good as brand-new. Most pagers require only one AA-sized battery, so they are designed to last much longer than the battery in your phone.

4. Cheap to run
Pagers are often more cost-effective than smartphones, as they cost the same per month for a year.

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5. Robust
Have you ever dropped your phone even accidentally? You’re lucky if only the screen breaks. Pagers are made to be tough and durable.

6. Easy of Use
Pagers require little or no training, and they can be used immediately with minimal installation.

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